Imagine everyone living life in peace...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How Do I Know???

          How do I know whether or not I am human? Do you know? I mean lets be real here for a second I might just be a robot and this is all just programming that makes me believe i'm human! How do any of us know that we truly are humans? For all we really know we might just be programmed to believe that we are when in reality we are all just a bunch of robots.

           I know I'M HUMAN! How you might ask well I know that i'm human because I can feel things and in more than just touching and feeling but I can also feel emotions and to be completely honest here I don't think that its possible for someone to write some sort of code or programming to make each person react and feel differently about such little things. Also I know that i'm human because I grow and change I get physically bigger and stronger for one but also as I age I have different opinions about things and the way things should be done, or the way the world should work, I have different insights into things as life goes on. So that is how I know that I am human! But do you? has what I wrote here on this blog made you think are we really human? maybe were dancer? Well maybe we are just robots but there is always a chance.

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